풍성한 공연들로 일상에서 누리는 예술 활동

Daegu Opera House

Daegu Opera House is
the first opera specialized theater
in South Korea

It has 4 stories above ground and 2 below on the total 2620 pyong site, and the building embodies elegant curve of a grand piano. The exterior is finished with cheerful see-through glass material to reduce psychological distance of citizens to the theater and double the external beauty.

Before Cheil Industries factory Cheil Industries factory
Present Daegu Opera House Daegu Opera House

Daegu Opera House site used to be Cheil Industries factory site which was the matrix of Samsung Group, and it was a representative place of the joys and sorrows of life before. Currently, however, it was dramatically changed into a place for citizens to enjoy rest, event and life. For such a reason, Daegu Opera House was freely expressed in a building by taking itself as a work of art and objet. The space of opera is a place where you can feel the rhythm and meter so that the performing art can effulge, and where the audience can understand the artists's message. Daegu Opera House is the result of works injecting the rhythm, meter and order of immanence into the objet.

대구오페라우스 무대시설 사진

Interaction between audience and performer. The best directing.

A space for performing art shall have both acoustic elements and visual design so as to make the best presentation through mutual consensus between the performers and audience.

Daegu Opera House satisfies the functions necessary for authentic opera performance with Horseshoe-Shaped plane, 1,490 seats scale, Proscenium scale and balcony structure to secure sights. Daegu Opera House can maximize the quality of performing art that requires aural and visual elements at the same time. It was built to accommodate musical, ballet, dance, live concert, operetta, musical drama, play performance and film screening, and efficient operation and management of architectural space and stage setting provide quality performance.