Capturing the grandeur,
harmony, and musicality
of opera.
Developed under the concept of the impression of opera in Daegu, the symbol mark of Daegu Opera house conveys images of opera's grandeur, harmony, and musical melody. At the same time, the building form, which is based on the melodic expression of Kandinsky's paintings, is actively embraced to enhance visual unity with the building.
The two free lines that form the silhouette of the building express the melodic harmony and free artistic spirit of opera. In addition, the full name of the Daegu Opera house is expressed as a rhythmic symbol mark in a modern sense, creating a sense of presence and sculptural beauty from the building.
In terms of color, the bold combination of turquoise blue for stability and orange for dramatic moments of emotion and the creative spirit of the arts is used to amplify the emotional impact of the opera.
Size minimums
The corporate symbol of Daegu Opera House is used in all media representing Daegu Opera House and plays an important role in conveying the corporate image.
Therefore, try to maintain the shape and color as much as possible. The minimum size of corporate symbols is based on the reproducibility of the symbols and should not be used below the minimum size.
For Screen 127px
For Screen 45mm
Color Rules
The exclusive colors of the Daegu Opera House are a very important factor in shaping the visual image.
In order to effectively use exclusive colors, standard colors should be maintained by considering the printing method, ink concentration, paper material, etc.
- process color
c100 m90 y37
- rgb color
r11 g16 b85
- 건물에서 오는 존재감과 조형미를 느끼게 함.
- process color
- process color
c0 m42 y93 k0
- rgb color
c0 m42 y93 k0
- 오페라에서 느끼는 선율의 하모니와 자유로운 예술정신을 표현.
- process color
Since the symbol mark is the most important core element representing Daegu Opera House, the manuscript must be enlarged and reduced in direct proportion to prevent deformation when using the symbol mark, and cannot be changed arbitrarily. However, if a large size or computer output is not possible, it must be drawn exactly according to the symbol mark grid provided in this paragraph.
A type
B type
C type